
Few exotic trees are as widely cultivated and versatile as the Acacia tree. While there are more than 800 species of the Acacia trees around the world, most feature small, finely divided green leaflets that give the stalk a fernlike appearance.

Another distinguishing appearance of the Acacia tree is its blossoms. The small, fragrant flowers are:

Arranged in compact cylindrical clusters
Yellow in color, though some species produce white blooms
Fuzzy with multiple stamens per flower
Positioned on the edge of airy branches

Most Acacia trees have short lifespans of 15 to 30 years. Consequently, they tend to grow quickly and can reach heights in excess of 40 feet. In addition to the stunning yellow and white blooms, the Acacia produces a dry seedpod as its fruit. Each pod is about three inches long and contains five to six brownish black seeds. The combination of its feathery leaves, globular flowers and dry seedpods creates a dramatic appearance during the tree’s peak growing years.

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