Anagallis monelli, commonly called blue pimpernel, is a low-growing tender perennial of the primrose family that grows to 6-10” (less frequently to 18”) tall and spreads to 20” wide. Saucer-shaped, deep gentian blue flowers (to 3/4” diameter) bloom non-stop from early summer to frost on sprawling stems clad with lance-shaped to elliptic, medium green leaves (to 1” long). Each flower …
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Delphinium is a genus of about 300 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native throughout the Northern Hemisphere and also on the high mountains of tropical Africa. All members of the Delphinium genus are toxic to humans and livestock. The common name “larkspur” is shared between perennial Delphinium species and annual species of the genus Consolida. Molecular …
Read More »Bearded Iris
Tall Bearded Iris is a great spring flower for Sunnyvale gardens.
Read More »Borage
Borage is a pretty herb for summer and fall. Borage is a freely seeding, easy growing annual plant with vivid blue flowers and leaves with the flavor of cucumbers. It is consider an herb, but is often grown as a flower in vegetable gardens where it attracts pollinating bees and is considered a good companion plant for tomatoes, squash and …
Read More »Blue Thimble Flower
The Gilia genus contains mostly desert-loving plants, native to the area stretching from the western United States to South America. Spanish botanists Hipólito Ruiz and José Antonio Pavón found the first known Gilia species on their expedition to South America, later detailing it among other species in a 1794 publication of their research from Peru and Chile. They gave this …
Read More »Coleus
Coleus is a pretty foliage plant , Solenostemon scutellarioides Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) (Info) Genus: Solenostemon (sol-en-oh-STEM-on) (Info) Species: scutellarioides (skew-tell-ar-ee-OH-ih-deez) (Info) Synonym:Coleus blumei Synonym:Coleus scutellarioides Category: Annuals Tropicals and Tender Perennials Height: 12-18 in. (30-45 cm) 18-24 in. (45-60 cm) Spacing: 9-12 in. (22-30 cm) Hardiness: USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F) …
Read More »Morning Glory
If you want to cover your fence FAST, the best choice would probably have to be Morning Glories. Morning Glories are very fast growing plants, that depending on the species, may be annual or tender perennial vines with light green, heart shaped leaves. They produce a non-stop show of large, blue, pink, purple, red, or white trumpet shaped, sometimes fragrant …
Read More »Lisianthius – Forever Blue
Lisianthus flowers are native to American prairies. And lisianthus is one of the best cut flowers — it will last in the vase for 2 to 3 weeks. Lisianthus can be challenging to grow. They’re extremely tricky to grow from seed, so start with established seedlings. Plant them in rich, well-drained soil in full sun after all danger of frost …
Read More »Elephant Garlic
Elephant Garlic is not a true garlic; it’s actually a perennial member of the leek family. It produces a large beautiful allium head. Above ground, its bluish-green leaves resemble grass, and can grow up to 3 feet (1 metre) tall. The bulbs can grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) wide, and weigh up to a pound (450g), or more. …
Read More »Tradescantia x andersoniana ‘Sweet Kate’
‘Sweet Kate’ is a compact, clump-forming, hybrid spiderwort that is noted for its unique yellow foliage. It typically grows to 12” tall. Three-petaled, purplish-blue flowers (to 1.5” diameter) accented by contrasting yellow stamens are borne in terminal clusters (umbels) atop stiff stems. Numerous flower buds form in each cluster, but individual flowers open up only a few at a time, …
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