Marmalade Bush

Streptosolen jamesonii (Marmalade Bush) – An evergreen rambling, shrub that without support will grow 4-6 feet tall and wide; with support it can reach 15 feet. It has oval-shaped 1 inch long leaves with a wrinkled appearance that densely clothe the sprawling branches and a bountiful display of large 5-inch orange, bell-shaped flowers bloom at the terminal ends of the branches from spring to fall. The flowers emerge a yellow orange and age to deep orange red which gives the plant the multicolored look that reminds one of Marmalade. Can reach 6’ x 6’ or prune to a more compact form. Striking in any position, especially spilling over walls and lining garden stairs. Hummingbird magnet!

New for our Sunnyvale garden in 2022…We bought ours from Annies Annual nursery in Richmond CA.

It can be planted outdoors in most of coastal California south of San Francisco. Best in full sun or part shade with rich soil and regular watering. Side-dress with compost once a year. Only hardy to around 30° F so is best in frost free gardens or where it can be protected from frost. Plants that freeze back often will reprout and grow back to full size within a season.
A monotypic species native to open woodlands of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The name is from the Greek words ‘streptos’ for “twisted” and ‘solon’ for “tube” in reference to the shape of the floral tube. The specific epithet honors a Dr. Jameson.

  • Category: Shrub
  • Family: Solanaceae (Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers)
  • Origin: Colombia (South America)
  • Evergreen: Yes
  • Flower Color: Orange
  • Bloomtime: Spring/Fall
  • Synonyms: [Browalia jamesonii]
  • Height: 4-8 feet
  • Width: 4-6 feet
  • Exposure: Sun or Shade
  • Irrigation (H2O Info): Medium Water Needs
  • Winter Hardiness: 30-32° F

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