A stunning “African Daisy” with 2” wide, tricolor blooms that practically glow! The flowers open bronzey-orange then, as they age, color-shift from the center out starting with hot-pink followed by a rich purple. Color can vary seasonally, often starting out almost entirely bronze-hued in Spring and transitioning to primarily purple as the season progresses. Perfect for adding brilliant color to the garden or a container (5+ gal.). Can be grown as an annual in cold Winter areas where it quickly forms a lush 1’x1’ mound of foliage smothered in flowers from Spring thru Fall! In warm Winter areas it is reliably perennial, surprisingly drought tolerant, outrageously bloomerific and grows to about 2’x2’. Deadhead regularly for best show. Makes a fantastic cut flower. Protect from hard frosts. May go deciduous in Winter.