This past month I was not doing much in the garden. I was remodeling the kitchen for over a week. Then I was on vacation in the Pacific Northwest for ten days. The drip irrigation mostly worked while I was gone. Marie discovered one morning that a 1/4 inch feeder hose had popped out of the larger 1/2 main line and was creating a little fountain.
Tomatoes are ripening. The plants in the pots are up to eye level. The beefsteak tomatoes are gaining final size but still green. There is only one disappointment: One plant has blossom end rot on its large tomatoes. This is due to uneven-watering.
I replaced the soaker-hose irrigation in the front yard with a better drip irrigation system.
I moved the spaghetti squash plant to a larger pot.
I have a lot of garlic and elephant garlic now.
Our zucchinis are producing fruit. I made zucchini muffins. and zucchini chips
The last of the kale is done
The pepino melons are slowly ripening (probably late in August)
I cleared away some of the blackberry canes from around the gate and gave it a well-needed repainting with spray paint.