Apricot Puree

Our volunteer Blenheim apricot tree produced a lot of fruit this year. Last week, at the end of our harvest, I cut down one branch and harvested over 200 fruits.

I tried giving them away on Nextdoor but there were no takers. I froze about a dozen bags of apricot halves. I didn’t want to waste the rest so decided on apricot puree. Why puree and not halves or jam?

  • Pureed fruit takes up less jars than whole fruit
  • Puree is just fruit and water (no added sugar). You can always add sweeteners when you use the puree in recipes.
  • Disadvantages: This is a no-added-sugar recipe. The shelf life of the unopened puree will be less than preserves that have sugar. Sugar increases preservation by removing water from the contents.

A very simple recipe. Cook the apricots with some water for 10 minutes and then use an immersion blender.

  • Rinse the apricots.
  • Mix vinegar (either white or apple cider) with water (1 part vinegar to 8 parts water).
  • Soak the apricots in the vinegar bath for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse the apricots.
  • Cut apricots in half; removing the pit and any undesirable parts.

Preserving using “Hot bath”

General warning: Don’t get burned! Everything is either boiling or hot (the apricots, the pots, the jars, the rings, the canning rack)

  1. Sterilize your jars
  2. Fill the canning pot ¾ full and set to boil
  3. Warm water in a pot or pyrex and add the metal rings
  4. Pour the pureed apricots into a jar to within ½ inch of top
  5. Wipe the top for a clean seal
  6. Place the wax lid on the jar
  7. Screw the metal ring onto the jar (hand-tight)
  8. Carefully place the jars in the canning rack and lower into the pot
  9. Boil for the required time: 20 minutes for pint-jars and 25 minutes for quart-jars
  10. Carefully transfer the jars to someplace to cool. I recommend either a thick towel or insulated pot-holders.
  11. After a while the lid will seal with an audible pop sound. Let cool for several hours.

Refrigerate after opening.

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