
Tomato – Purple Calabash

A beautiful, drought tolerant variety producing small to medium (2 1/2 to 3-inch), flat, deeply ruffled, chocolate-brown to deep-purple fruit. Intensely rich, almost wine-like flavor. Crack resistant and stores well. A winner! Days: 85 Size: Indeterminate Color: Purple-Black Season: Mid-Season Type: Heirloom Purchased from

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Tomato – Pink Ping Pong

This heirloom produces amazing yields of sweet pink fruits the size of ping pong balls. Juicy and bursting with superb flavors. Great for salads, canned, or popped in your mouth off the vine. Days: 75 Size: Indeterminate Color: Cherry Season: Mid-Season Type: Heirloom Purchased from

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Tomato – Marianna’s Peace

Pink heirloom tomato that originated in Czechoslovakia. 1-2 lb., pink beefsteak tomatoes. Dense, creamy, sweet flesh with rich complex, old tomatoey flavors. Great gift for the tomato love Days: 85 Size: Indeterminate Color: Pink Season: Late-Season Type: Heirloom Purchased from

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Tomato – Flamme

(Also referred to as Jaune Flammé) Extremely prolific French heirloom that bears in clusters of 6, beautiful, 1 1/2-inch, round, golf-ball sized tomatoes that are persimmon-orange colored inside and out. A delicious full-bodied flavor that literally bursts in your mouth. Very decorative. Makes a great flavored sauce Days: 70 Size: Indeterminate Color: Yellow-Orange Season: Late-Season Type: Heirloom Purchased from

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Tomato – Brandywine

Around 1880 a Mrs. Sudduth of Tennessee gave seeds said to be in her family for 100 years, to tomato seedsman, Ben Quisenberry of Ohio. Prolific potato leaf plant producing 1-2 lb. large, pink fruit. This is a strain that Craig LeHoullier believes is of the original Brandywine. Excellent flavor! Days: 85 Size: Indeterminate Color: Pink Season: Late-Season Type: Heirloom …

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Eschscholzia caespitosa – Tufted Cal Poppy

Tufted Cal poppy is native to California and Oregon. It is 10″ by 12″ wide, ferny foliage, fragrant yellow blooms, loves sun. Like its famous cousin, the orange California poppy, it self-seeds easily.   First planted in my Sunnyvale garden: Winter 2014

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Edible Wild Plants

book Edible Wild Plants

Edible Wild Plants provides what you really need to know to have your own wild food adventrues. Whether a beginner or advanced wild food aficionado, gardner, chef, botanist, nutrionist, scientist, or a dieter with special needs, this book is for you. author John Kallas gives you unprecendented details, maps, simple explanations, and multiple close-up photographs of very plant covered at …

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The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food

book A to Z Guide to Organic

Denckla presents a wealth of gardening information ina an accessible format, while showing that creating a healthy soil and working with the earth’s natural systems are the foundation of a productive, sustainable, and satisfying garden. Each plant has the following info: Site Soil and Water Needs Teperature Measurements Growing and Bearing Support Structures Shaping Storage Requirements Pests Diseases Allies Author: …

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California Apricots

book California Apricots

Robin Chapman has written a good book (California Apricots) similar to Yvonne Jacobson’s book “Passing Farms: Enduring Values”. Chapman recalls the seaon when the Santa Clara Valley was the largest apricot producer in the world and recounts the stories of Silicon Valley’s now lost orchards. From the Spaniards in the eighteenth century who first planted apricots in the Mission Santa …

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