We have a large harvest in 2015. The lack of rain resulted in no fungus this year. Our first tree had ripe fruit on June 1 (four weeks early). Our second tree is just now getting ripe (it is on the shady side yard. We are running out of consumption options: fresh, apricot yogurt; apricot tarts; apricot crumbles; apricot juice; …
Read More »Fruit
Spring Fig 2015
We have a Black Mission Fig growing in a large pot in our Sunnyvale garden. Like other fig trees, it produces a small spring crop and a larger fall crop. This is our spring 2015 crop…I got to get a larger pot
Read More »First Blackberries of 2015
Like everything else in the garden, the blackberries are two weeks ahead of schedule. We are going to have a good crop of blackberries and a bumper crop of marionberries.
Read More »Goji berry
Goji is a sprawling shrub with long, flexible canes and clusters of small, grey-green leaves. The flowers are a brilliant royal purple and they appear in late spring/early summer along the length of the canes. They give way to juicy, bright red fruits that resemble small peppers. They grow sweeter as they mature on the plant. Goji plants continue to …
Read More »Australian Finger Lime
Australian Finger Limes ripen in fall or winter in California, and have a flavor reminiscent of true limes. The fruit is sometimes referred to as “citrus caviar” because the small round interior vesicles pop in your mouth with tart lime flavor. Chefs the world over are finding creative uses for Australian Finger Limes, which add unique texture and a special …
Read More »Watermelon – Moon & Stars
The “Moon and Stars” melon is a century-old heirloom from Tennessee/Missouri. It is a large-fruited melon whose dark-green rind is speckled with tiny yellow dots (the stars) surrounding one or more larger yellow spots (the moon). It is cool that the leaves have the same pattern. Another cool thing is that this is an heirloom melon, not a hybrid, so …
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