Early Scarlet Globe Radish is a very early radish variety with bright red skin and white flesh. So crispy, crunchy, and delicious, this variety is a long-time favorite of gardeners everywhere. They go great on fresh salads, or simply enjoyed raw.
In our Sunnyvale garden, we plant radishes from November through February.
- Flavor: Juicy, crisp, and mild.
- Preparation Ideas: Adds crispiness to salads, or delicious when roasted.
- Plant Type: Vegetable
- Fill Weight (grams): 3
- Grows Best In: Full Sun
- Days to Germination: 4-6 Days
- Days to Maturity: 25 Days
- Growth Type: Spring
- Planting Depth: .5″
- Seed Spacing: Sow Early Scarlet Globe Radish seeds roughly 1″ apart in rows.
- Best Container Size: 12″+
Instructions: In full sun, sow 2 Early Scarlet Globe Radish seeds per inch in the row. Cover seeds firmly with soil. When plants have 3 or 4 leaves, thin to 1″ apart. For a steady crop, sow every 10 days until warm weather and again in the fall until 30 days before frost.
Suggestions: Radishes exhibit best flavor when grown in cool weather and full sun. Use thinnings in salads. For mild radishes, mulch and keep watered to speed growth.