Most of the defensive actions discussed here are organic remedies for a host of diseases and animal pests.
- Plant Maintenance
- Avoid deep planting
- Water from below
- Water before noon
- Don’t work around or touch wet plants
- Don’t touch healthy plants after working with diseased plants
- Avoid high-nitrogren fertilizers
- Feed the soil with compost
- Mulch in spring and fall
- Control weeds
- Remove rotting or dead leaves, stalks, weds, and plants
- Move piles of wood and garden debris
- Don’t allow stagnant pools of water
- Disinfect pools periodically
- Shade plants in extremely hot weather
- Protect plants from freezes
- Promptly harvest fruits and vegetables
- Remove plants immediately after harvest
- Always remove and destroy infected or diseased leaves, canes, or the entire plant when necessary
- Undertake fall cultivation
Helpful supports and devices:
Trellises, stakes, a-frames, tepees
Row covers
Wire cages, stakes, and water-based white paint
Electrical fences and other barriers